PMO Solutions!
T: 520-661-9341​
EmaiL: pmo.solutionsCA@gmail​.com​
- Program Management Excellence
 - Best Practices
- Establishment of Useful Metrics
- Team Leader Coaching
- Program Team Coaching / Improved Effectiveness

- Program Management Office Excellence
- Portfolio Balancing
​ - Enterprise Program Resource Management
​ - Executive Dashboards
​ - Executive Program Governance Solutions

- New Product Development Process Excellence
 - Process Improvements / Improved Effeciencies
- New Product Development Due Diligence
Program Management, PMO, and NPD excellence in the medical diagnostic / device industry have been a personal commitment and passion since 1996. An extensive and diverse knowledge base has been attained over the years through leadership PMO positions with Johnson & Johnson, Bayer Molecular, Ventana Medical Systems and Becton Dickinson.
Our Vision is to become recognized as the leader in understanding PM / PMO / NPD challenges facing today's businesses, and the implementation of appropriate, high value, innovative solutions that exceed expectations and earn the admiration of our customers and their competitors.
ABOUT PMO Solutions!​​
​Your Program Management Office (PMO), Program Management (PM), and New Product Development (NPD) issues are neither unique nor insurmountable. Solutions exist!
Are repeatedly missed program team milestones, late product release dates, overburdened resources, and unbalanced new product portfolios repeatedly the norm at your organization?
Avoiding addressing these PM and PMO shortfalls are not viable options, as they inevitably lead to continued mediocre results, organizational frustration, and further decreases in organizational effectiveness, leading to even worse performance...and you can't afford the resulting scenarios!
The good news is that these performance shortfalls are often encountered and can be rectified. The incorporation of various enterprise management applications, the adoption of best PM processes, and the implementation of effective new product portfolio management practices will resolve your NPD issues and improve your revenues.
Effective Program Management Office functions and Program Management practices are key contributors to a successful New Product Development process and subsequent revenue growth. Contact PMO Solutions! today to obtain practical solutions to your PMO, PM, and NPD issues, for the establishment of solid PMO and PM foundations, or to provide a diagnostic and improvement plan of current practices.